Friday, 16 December 2016

"O Holy Night" - Various versions and just where the internet can take us!

From the incredible humbling songs that touch our souls, to the "oh my cover your ears, but that's hilarious" versions, we humans can be so talented and, well, so entertaining.  Try out the various versions below of "O Holy Night:"

Original "O Holy Night" by Guy Penrod

Original singer who sang his version for some fun:

Sung by Steve Mauldin, "...worst rendition ever Funniest song on earth"
Merci Mme Anamachara (an amazing singer) for sharing this hilarious version.

Steve Mauldin's background story to "O Holy Night"

Music that brings tears to our eyes .......  Enjoy.

One of our Canadian gifts of this beautiful song

Another Canadian breath taking version ...

Mariah Carey

In memory of Whitney Houston

A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.  Mme. M-A.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Auteur / Author Gilles Tibo, au Montréal, Québec


Gilles Tibo

"Dès l’âge de 10 ans, Gilles savait qu’il voulait être illustrateur. Il était très discipliné et produisait chaque jour quelques dessins, qu’il datait et accompagnait parfois d’un court texte. Il a commencé très jeune à publier des dessins et des bandes dessinées dans les journaux – il a publié son premier livre de bandes dessinées à l'âge de 18 ans! 

Gilles a fait son entrée dans le monde de la littérature jeunesse en 1975. Il a illustré plus de 80 livres pour enfants avant d'acheter un ordinateur et de se découvrir une nouvelle passion : l'écriture. 

Aujourd'hui, il se concentre davantage sur les émotions des personnages que sur leur apparence. Il laisse maintenant à d’autres le soin d’illustrer ses textes. Gilles a publié récemment chez Scholastic quatre livres à succès : Grouille-toi, Nicolas!Des livres pour Nicolas!La souris du fleuriste et Cours, cours Nicolas!"  Scholastic

 étagère à livres par Gille Tibo

Author John R. Erickson,"Hank the Cowdog"

John R Erickson has published 75 books about the beloved Hank the Cowdog.  Bastion library has many of Erickson books while the ORL has the books plus the fabulous audio books too recorded by John R. Erickson himself.

Try out this Texas, ranch-owner wonderful author!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 9-15, 2016 / La "Semaine de Prévention des Incendies" se tiendra du 9 au 15 Octobre 2016

Image result for fire prevention week 2016 Canada

"This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign (annual), “Don’t Wait – Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years,” represents the final year of [a] three-year effort to educate the public about basic but essential elements of smoke alarm safety."

Au Québec: La Semaine de la prévention des incendies 2016 aura lieu du 9 au 15 octobre sur le thème Le combat des chefs.

Image result for first nation's emergency services

OFC social media graphic

Keyword Search Terms and Bastion Library Book Results for Fire Prevention Week (Alexandria):

Monday, 3 October 2016

Festival du Livre, Oct. 4, 5th, 7th, 2016


Tue, Wed, Fri
"Little" & "Big" recess
After school til 4pm Tue & Wed
After school til 3pm Friday - & then clean up and pack up

Sales will also occur during library classes, Tue, Wed, Fri.

Contact Mme. Murrells-Allaway for more info &/or to volunteer for the book fair

A Poem About Crows, by Shawn L. Bird

Image result for salmon arm crows

poem- "Crows"  October 3, 2016

Filed under: Poetry — Shawn L. Bird @ 9:47 am
Tags: , , , , , ,

The yard is speckled
with black spots
as if a coal train tipped on a fast corner
and sprayed lumps.
Twenty or thirty have spread out and bob
in search of hidden meals
or trouble
as is the nature of crows.
They’re strangely silent this morning,
like blurry eyed truckers
who’ve driven all night
and just want some breakfast
before the day begins.

Check out more of Ms. Bird's poetry (kindergarten to adult writings) on her blog.  Ms. Bird is a SD83 teacher and local writer.


Thursday, 29 September 2016

Festival du Livre à la Semaine Prochaine / French Book Fair Next Week, Oct 4, 5, 7

Image result for scholastic festival du livre 2016

Bastion Library Learning Commons Fund Raisers:
1. Festival du Livre (French Scholastic Book Fair), Oct. 4, 5, 7, 2016 (Tue/Wed/Fri).
- Mme Murrells-Allaway (Mme M) requests a Parent Volunteer Coordinator ( to recruit parent volunteers for the following types of jobs:
- Cashiers during the 3 day fair
- Clean up & pack up (Fri. Oct. 7th 3:30 til you can  [approx. 2 hrs or less pending helpers])

SALES SCHEDULE - Mar/Mer/Ven Tue/Wed/Fri
Mar/Mer / Tue/Wed
"Little recess" 9:55-10:12
"Big Recess" 11:55-12:25

Vendredi / Friday
"Little recess" 9:55-10:12
"Big Recess" 11:55-12:25
2:15-3pm - sales close at 3pm & book pack up begins

2. English Scholastic Book Fair, Dec. 6, 7, 9 (Tue/Wed/Fri).
- Mme Murrells-Allaway (Mme M) requests a Parent Volunteer Coordinator ( to recruit parent volunteers for the following types of jobs:
- Cashiers during the 3 day fair

- clean up & pack up (Fri. Dec. 9th 3:30 til you can  [approx. 2 hrs or less pending helpers])

SALES SCHEDULE - Mar/Mer/Ven Tue/Wed/Fri
Mar/Mer / Tue/Wed
"Little recess" 9:55-10:12
"Big Recess" 11:55-12:25

Vendredi / Friday
"Little recess" 9:55-10:12
"Big Recess" 11:55-12:25
2:15-3pm - sales close at 3pm & book pack up begins

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Play at Bastion Elementary / École Élémentaire Bastion

Image result for willy wonka and the chocolate factory movie

Greetings all and especially Bastion dramatists!

Mme. Reid and myself suggest that the best way to get to know this classic story is to read the book - you will love Roald Dahl's writing.  We have many of his other excellent titles in the library too - F DHA.

If you are wanting a visual as well, Mme Reid suggests the YouTube clip below and asks you to avoid the newer, Jonny Depp film - it bares very little resemblance to the original story.

Note, re the version below dear parents and students that some viewers may find the scene when they are travelling on the chocolate river disturbing

This film is not available on iTunes nor Netflix, but there are also clips of the songs from the movie below on YouTube. Email Mme. Murrells-Allaway ( good links you find or respond in the area below this post.  Enjoy!