Sunday, 27 November 2022

Four Days Remaining for the Bastion Elementary Scholastic Book Fair, 2022!


Join Mme M at the Bastion
Scholastic Book Fair!

Dear families,

We're entering into the 2nd week and final four days of our English Scholastic Book Fair! Please see the schedule below and join us in this exciting Bastion library literacy fund raiser.

For parents, friends and family that can't join us in person, be sure to join us online with our 
Virtual Book Fair Extension!

To date (4pm, Nov 27th) we have sold eleven books online - it's awesome to have this digital option to browse and possibly purchase. 

Books you purchase online will be sent to the school and Mme M will deliver to classroom teachers to disperse the books to the students.  If you are ordering gifts, state that info. in your buying message option and Mme M, will know to set those items aside and contact you for pick up.  

The English Scholastic book fair Remaining Dates:

- Nov. 28, 29, 30, Dec. 1 will be in-class library sales and the following times:     - Before school (7:45-8am)

    - BIG recess (closed at little recess)

    - After school

    - Thursday, Dec. 1st = last day of the fair for in-person sales - closed at 3pm

    - Digital sales continue to Dec. 3rd, MIDNIGHT!


- still needing some adult cashiers: click here for the schedule; email Mme M if you can help out, 

- Thu., Dec. 1st clean-up, & pack-up crew 

The excitement was palpable this week - so cute! If we reach $4000 net, Mme M will have a 60% Scholastic credit opportunity - that's possibly $2400 in more fantastic literature and learning products added to our Bastion library. Astounding. Email me if you have questions &/or can help out. In the meantime, KEEP ON READING, LEARNING & ABSORBING THE BEAUTY OF OUR PLANET!

Mme. Murrells-Allaway, aka Mme M, your Ardent Librarian.


Book Trailers:

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Scholastic Book Fair in Five Sleeps! Adult Cashiers and Clean Up Crew Volunteers Still Needed

Save The Date!

Dear families,

Mark your calendars! The fun and excitement of a Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school the last two weeks of November!

For parents, friends and family that can't join us in person, be sure to join us online with our 
Virtual Book Fair Extension! Our online shop will be open on the first day of our Fair, 

The English Scholastic book fair Dates:

- Nov. 21, 22, 23, 24 will be in-class library sales only

- Nov. 28, 29, 30, Dec. 1 will be in-class library sales and before school (7:45-8am), BIG recess, and after school (closed little recess and 3pm on the last day of the book fair, Thu., Dec 1st)

- Digital sales Nov. 21st - Dec. 3rd, midnight!


- adult cashiers: click here for the schedule; email Mme M if you can help out, 

- Thu., Dec. 1st clean-up, & pack-up crew 

I'm very excited about our upcoming second book fair. Email me if you have questions &/or can help out. In the meantime, KEEP ON READING!

Mme. Murrells-Allaway, aka Mme M, your Ardent Librarian.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Scholastic Book Fair in Twelve Sleeps!


Save The Date!

Dear families,

Mark your calendars! The fun and excitement of a Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school the last two weeks of November!

For parents, friends and family that can't join us in person, be sure to join us online with our
Virtual Book Fair Extension! Our online shop will be open on the first day of our Fair, 

The English Scholastic book fair Dates:

- Nov. 21, 22, 23, 24 will be in-class library sales only

- Nov. 28, 29, 30, Dec. 1 will be in-class library sales and before school (7:45-8am), BIG recess, and after school (closed little recess and 3pm on the last day of the book fair, Thu., Dec 1st)

- Digital sales Nov. 21st - Dec. 3rd, midnight!


- adult cashiers: click here for the schedule; email Mme M if you can help out, 

- Thu., Dec. 1st clean-up, & pack-up crew 

I'm very excited about our upcoming second book fair. Email me if you have questions &/or can help out. In the meantime, KEEP ON READING!

Mme. Murrells-Allaway, aka Mme M, your Ardent Librarian.

Monday, 7 November 2022

Veteran's Week & Nov., 11th, Remembrance Day, 2022


Veteran's Week & Nov., 11th, Remembrance Day = a very mixed emotions time. 

Inquiry: what roles do animals play during war?
Tales of Animals in War, 2020

Tales of Animals in War, 2018

2017 - Tales of Animals in War

                                                        Tales of Animals in War, 2017

Print Resources:

Innocent Heroes Fiction Red Cedar nominee, 2018-19 about animal heroes during war time.

Digital Resources:

The Role of Animals WWI - BBC collection of pictures and brief summaries

Other War & Peace Themed Info:

"The Poppy Story (Early Years)" (4:04)
"An animated short film about the journey of the poppy and what it means. Written specifically for very young children this is an excellent introduction to the poppy and remembrance"
by PoppyscotlandEdu (YouTube)

Who's That Man? book/song by Marny Duncan-Cary (4:54)

 The Peace Book by Todd Par, Bastion Elementary's copy

History of the poppy through the story The Poppy Lady (15:11)

  Halifax Seaport Farmer's Market Flash Mob produced by Veterans Affairs Canada.
One of Mme M's favs!

Indigenous Veterans, Aboriginal Veterans Day 
is commemorated on November 8

Indigenous Veteran's Day, 2020 

 Indigenous Veteran's Day, 2016

How Indigenous Veterans are Being Supported by the Current Systems. (11:54)
an interview with Richard Vedan, member of the Secwepemc First Nation, 
Associate Professor Emeritus of Social Work, UBC

Edwin Victor Cook, Indigenous war hero from Alert Bay, a small island community off of the north end of Vancouver Island.  Blog post by Bob Joseph (@wewap, Twitter); article contributed by Wedlidi Speck, hereditary Head Chief of the Kwaguλ Gixsam and is a chief amongst the E'iksan K'omoks.

 Honouring Canada's Black War Veteran's, City News Toronto, 2018

Veteran's Week, Nov5th - 11th,  #CanadaRemembers, Government of Canada Website


Monday, 31 October 2022

I Read Canadian / Journee des Livres Canadiens Pour Moi #IReadCanadian, Wed., Nov. 2nd, 2022



Let's get on board Canada! 

Wed., Nov 2nd, 2022
I Read Canadian Day / Journee des Livres Canadiens Pour Moi
Let's make it the week!

"We [the I Read Canadian organizers] challenge the nation to “Read Canadian” for 15 minutes and to share their experience at their library, in their school, with their families and friends, or on social media.  Young people are encouraged to read, or be read to, a Canadian book of their choice."

"Le 2 novembre 2022 sera la deuxième édition de cette célébration qui permettra aux familles, aux écoles, aux bibliothèques, aux librairies et aux organisations de planifier des activités et des événements pendant lesquels les gens liront des livres canadiens pendant 15 minutes."

Books, authors, & illustrators, Scholastic Canada

Know Your Canadian Children's Authors Quiz, Gov. of Canada, 2021 (7 multiple choice)

I Read Canadian Day / Nov 2, 2022 by Biblio Video ( 1:13)

A Poem for I Read Canadian Day by Wali Shah (1:58) by Biblio Video

Here is a tribute to front line COVID workers participating in #IReadCanadian 

Twitter @ireadcanadian  #kidlit #canlit #IReadCanadian

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Festival du Livre, Oct., 2022 Summary & Celebrations & Upcoming Scholastic Book Fair, end of November


Three Day Festival du Livre, Oct. 11, 12, 13, 2022:

Thank you Bastion Bobcats students, families, and teachers for your tremendous support of our Festival du Livre.  We made over $3200 which is up $765 from last year - wow!  Teacher-librarian Mme M, combined with Bastion Bobcat efforts, earned 50% Scholastic reward money.  That means she could buy close to $1600 books from the book fair - AND SHE DID!  New chapter books, graphic novels, leveled “ER” readers, picture books and nonfiction information books await "cataloging" (adding those titles into our library software [Alexandria]) and book-spine, call number stickers.  

Interesting fact: just five books sold online!  Mme deduces (summarizes) that Bastion Bobcats like to shop in person at the book fair.  Albeit, it is very nice to have the option to shop in-person or digitally.

The English Scholastic book fair will be the last two weeks in November:
- Nov. 21, 22, 23, 24 will be in-class library sales only

- Nov. 28, 29, 30, Dec. 1 will be in-class library sales and before school, BIG recess, and after school (closed little recess and 3pm on the last day of the book fair, Thu., Dec 1st)

- Digital sales Nov. 21st - Dec. 3rd


- adult cashiers: click here for the schedule; email Mme M if you can help out, 

- Thu., Dec. 1st clean-up, & pack-up crew 

I'm very excited about our upcoming second book fair. Email me if you have questions &/or can help out. In the meantime, KEEP ON READING! Mme. Murrells-Allaway, aka Mme M, your Ardent Teacher-Librarian.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Festival du Livre, Octobre, 2022, Lire, C'est Formidable!


Festival du Livre / Scholastic Fundraising Bookfair, Oct 11-13, 2022

What: Book fair fundraiser in the Bastion library (French & some English books). Online sales options include both French and English book titles (all orders are shipped to the school and then they will be delivered to the classrooms). When: 

In-Class Sales: during regularly scheduled library classes for the 17 divisions (week of Oct 3rd and 10th) In-Person Sales: Oct, 11, 12, 13, Tue/Wed/Thu

Before school         7:30 am to 8:05 bell

Little Recess            9:38-9:55

Big Recess 11:23-11:55

After School 2:07 - 4:30pm

NOTE: Thu, Oct 13th, the fair closes. Sales will end at 3pm, & myself and family volunteers will begin packing up the fair.

Digital Sales: 24/7 access Oct. 6th-15th, Festival du Livre


In Person: La Bibliothèque Élémentaire de Bastion / Bastion Elementary Library

Digitally: Click on the Festival du livre Online Sales on the Bastion Homepage go directly to

Festival du Livre Needs:

Teacher-librarian Ms. Shannon Murrells-Allaway needs family adult volunteers as cashiers for all shifts at the festival and for the Thu., 3pm pack up:

Volunteer Schedule for Festival du Livre

(view only status)

Clean Up Volunteer Schedule & Task, Thu, Oct 13th, 2022.  3-4:15'ish (pending # of volunteers)

(view only status)

Contact teacher-librarian Shannon Murrells-Allaway regarding volunteering &/or questions  

Thank you for spreading the word about this exciting fundraiser. 

English Book Fair Mon., Nov. 21st - Thu, Dec. 1st
Digital sales will be even a little longer. possibly til Sat., Dec. 3rd I'll update you all as we get closer to that date. Here is the volunteer schedule for the Eng Book Fair

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

International Dot Day / La Journée Internationale Du Point, Sept. 15th, 2022

 Empathy + risk taking + creativity + encouragement have what in common with a dot?

To find out more read Peter Reynolds' The Dot and then participate in

Image result for international dot day 2018

Make your mark!

Image result for international dot day 2018

Author Peter Reynolds invites us to join him and the world in making our mark! (3:30)

The Bastion Library is open for business
and creating and learning with you ... :)