Sunday, 27 January 2019

Super Blood Wolf Moon, Jan 21, 2019 & a Little Moon and Earth Inquiry

Super Blood Wolf Moon, Jan 21, 2019

Picture by Jonathan Kopechek, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, University of Louisville.

Rob H. adds: "photos showing the progression to totality over about 2 hours.  No rotation and camera position doesn't change much except for elevevation as moon tracks across the night sky."

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"What is a lunar eclipse?"

Mystery Doug - "Why Does the Moon Turn Blood Red During a Lunar Eclipse?" - Ms. M has an account for Mystery Doug; see her if you want to view this clip.  Explains a lunar eclipse in small, easy-to-understand parts.  

Comet smashes into Super Blood Wolf Moon!

Grade 4 Science Curriculum
- How does the motions of earth and moon affect living and non-living systems?

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Young Reader Choice Awards Across Canada & BC's Two Programs: Red Cedar & Chocolate Lily, 2018-19

Young Reader Choice awards across Canada aim to have students choose their favourite literary young adult titles rather than adults. 

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BC's program is called Red Cedar and an includes fiction and nonfiction categories; Click here for FICTION reading age levels, summaries, and critical reviews from the Novelist database and the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL).

Another Young Reader Choice Award for just BC writers is the Chocolate Lily Award & includes categories for chapter books/early novels (grades 2-4), novels (grades 4-7) and picture books.

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Manitoba's is the Manitoba Young Reader's Choice Award (MYRCA)

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Ontario's is called the Forest of Reading & includes three French categories: La Foret de la Lecture, Prix Peuplier, Prix Tamarac = Tamarac Express et Tamarac

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The Pacific Northwest Library Association is a binational association and includes the areas of BC, Alberta, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and beyond.