Festival du Livre / Scholastic Fundraising Bookfair, Oct 12-14., 2021
What: Book fair fundraiser - located in the Bastion library are the French books; online are both French and English book options (all orders shipped to the school and then they will be delivered to the classrooms).
In-Person Sales: Tue/Wed/Thu
Before school 7:30 am to bell - max. 10 people in the library (parents as well)
Big Recess 11:27-12:00 - grade groupings by day:
Tue = k-3
Wed = grd 4-5
Thu = k-5
After School 2:12 - 4pm pending parent volunteer availability (parents as well)
Scheduled library classes regular schedule for students and their teachers
Digital Sales: 24/7 access Oct. 5th-14th (see below for web link)
Note: THURSDAY, Oct. 14th (the last day), 3pm closure and book fair pack up
In Person: La Bibliothèque Élémentaire de Bastion / Bastion Elementary Library
Digitally: Click on the Library tab on the Bastion homepage or go directly to https://virtualbookfairs.scholastic.ca/pages/5163221
Maximum ten shoppers at a time
Adults (before or after school sales times) sign in at the office or at the library entrance for potential contract tracing
Shoppers aged kindergarten and older are to wear masks
Students - Wash or sanitize hands before entering the library
Adults - wash or sanitize hands before signing in & then entering the library
Festival du Livre Needs:
Teacher-librarian Ms. Shannon Murrells-Allaway needs parent volunteers as cashiers, and door greeters (re COVID protocols) for all shifts at the book fair and for the Thu., 3pm pack up:
Volunteer Schedule for Festival du Livre
(view only status)
Clean Up Volunteer Schedule & Tasks, Thu. Oct 14th, 3-4:15’sih pm (pending # of volunteers)
(view only status)
Contact teacher-librarian Shannon Murrells-Allaway re volunteering &/or questions smurrell@sd83.bc.ca
Thank you for spreading the word about this exciting fundraiser.
The English book fair will be
Mon., Nov. 29th - Thu., Dec. 2nd.