Festival du Livre Anglais / Scholastic Book Fair,
Nov. 22 - Dec. 2nd (Dec. 3rd digitally), 2021
Book fair fundraiser both in the library and online, English & French titles (all digital orders shipped to the school
and then they will be delivered to the classrooms).
Two weeks of scheduled library class sales (& virtual sales): the week of Nov 22 and Nov 29th
One week of In-Person Sales outside of scheduled library classes: Nov. 29th-Dec. 2nd Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu,
Before school 7:30 am to bell – Students, parents/adults max. 10 people in the library
Big Recess 11:27-11:55 - grade groupings by day:
Mon = kindergarten to grd 3
Tue = kindergarten to grd 3
Wed = grade 4-5
Thu = kindergarten to grade 5 – students who have not been able to purchase books yet
After School 2:12 - 4pm parents/adults as well max. 10 people in the library (Mon-Wed., but Thu it closes at 3pm)
Digital Sales: 24/7 Nov. 22 – Dec. 2 located at the Library tab on the Bastion homepage or go directly to
THURSDAY, Dec. 2nd (the last day), 3pm closure and book fair pack up
In Person: La Bibliothèque Élémentaire de Bastion / Bastion Elementary Library
Digitally Nov. 22 - Dec. 3rd: Click on the Library tab on the Bastion homepage or go directly to https://virtualbookfairs.scholastic.ca/pages/5163193
Maximum ten shoppers at a time
Adults (before or after school sales times) sign in at the library entrance for potential contract tracing
Shoppers aged kindergarten and older are to wear masks
Students - wash or sanitize hands before entering the library
Adults - wash or sanitize hands before signing in & then entering the library
Festival du Livre Needs:
Teacher-librarian Ms. Shannon Murrells-Allaway needs parent volunteers as cashiers, for all shifts at the book fair
and for the Thu., 3pm pack up:
Volunteer Schedule for Scholastic Book Fair
(view only status)
Clean Up Volunteer Schedule & Tasks, Thu. Dec 2, 3-4:00’ish pm (pending # of volunteers)
(view only status)
Contact teacher-librarian Shannon Murrells-Allaway re volunteering &/or questions smurrell@sd83.bc.ca
Thank you for spreading the word about this exciting fundraiser.
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